City of Los Angeles sells its yacht
City of Los Angeles has sold their yacht Angelena II (73-foot) for US$ 100000 after investing US$4.1 million in the vessel, suggested new reports. The City had employed the boat for tours of Port of Los Angeles. As a lot of the tours had slight to do with official port business, the city’s ownership had been criticized.

It was in the year 2012 when the yacht’s news first came to light. Then former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa gave a description of the vessel. While speaking to a TV channel, he said that it was not a yacht. He described as a yacht.
Since the year 2012, around US$4.1 million had been dropped to install lower-emission engines in the vessel, including US$489000 of the federal stimulus money. The yacht has since been bought by a Yacht Rental Croatia company.
In the mean time, in a recent yacht news, a man and his pet dog has been discovered dead in a yacht located drifting in ocean offshore Guyana. Investigations have already started since then. Wendell Blanhum, the Crime Chief, said Stabroek News that the discovery was made earlier on Monday when a few saw the man and dog from a cruise liner.
Blanhum told that those people immediately contacted the Maritime Administration Department. The police were informed right then and two 2 investigating officers have been sent to the location, along with Coast Guard members.
A local news channel reported that the yacht had a French flag.